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C Programming in VS Code

Printing a message in C

Beginner's Guide to Keywords, Identifiers, Constants, Variables, Datatypes in C

Operators & Expressions in C

Input & Output Operations in C

Control Statements in C

Loops in C

Array in C

Character Array & Strings in C

User Defined Functions in C

Structure and Union in C

Pointers in C

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The content on this website, including videos and code examples, is for educational purposes only. All demonstrations and designs are fictional and created to illustrate coding techniques. Any resemblance to existing websites or brands is purely coincidental.

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Beginner's Guide to Keywords, Identifiers, Constants, Variables, Datatypes in C

Keywords: A keyword in C is a word that is reserved by the programming language and has a specific meaning and use in the language.

Identifiers: In C, an identifier is a name given to a variable, function, or any other user-defined item. It must begin with a letter or underscore and consist of only letters, digits, and underscores.

Constants: In C, a constant is a value that cannot be modified during the execution of a program. Constants are defined using the keyword "const" and can be of various data types. They are also called literals.

Variables: A variable in C is a named storage location used to hold data values. Variables must be declared with a specific data type and can be assigned a value during or after declaration.

Datatypes: In C, the datatype is a keyword that defines the type and size of a variable or function's input or output. Examples include int, float, char, etc. Each datatype has a specific memory size and range of values.

Overflow: In C, overflow occurs when a variable's value exceeds its maximum storage limit, causing the value to wrap around to the minimum limit. This can lead to unexpected results and can be a source of bugs.

Underflow: In C, underflow occurs when a variable's value is below its minimum limit, resulting in a loss of precision or even undefined behaviour. It's a condition of arithmetic operation results having a smaller absolute value than the smallest representable value.

Beginner's Guide to Keywords, Identifiers, Constants, Variables, Datatypes in C

Program to take input from keyboard:


#include <stdio.h>

void main() 
    int x;
    printf("Enter a number: ");
    scanf("%d", &x);
    printf("\nYou have entered: %d", x);