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Below is the javascript code for this video.
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
const ig = new ImageGrid("#img-grid");
class ImageGrid {
constructor(selector) {
this.el = document.querySelector(selector);
this.detailPaneOpen = true;
this.currentImage = 0;
this.images = 10;
this.el?.addEventListener("click", this.action.bind(this));
document.addEventListener("keydown", this.action.bind(this));
action(e) {
const { key, shiftKey, target } = e;
const action = target.getAttribute("data-action");
const imageID = +target.getAttribute("data-id");
if (key !== "Tab" && !shiftKey) {
if (!key && action === "open") {
if (imageID === this.currentImage && this.detailPaneOpen)
} else if (key === "Escape" || action === "close") {
} else if (key === "ArrowLeft" || (!key && action === "prev")) {
} else if (key === "ArrowRight" || (!key && action === "next")) {;
this.moveFocus(target, action);
closeDetailPane() {
this.detailPaneOpen = false;
openDetailPane(imageID) {
this.detailPaneOpen = true;
this.currentImage = imageID;
prev() {
if (this.currentImage < 0)
this.currentImage = 0;
next() {
if (this.images < 2)
this.currentImage = 0;
else if (this.currentImage === this.images)
this.currentImage = this.images - 1;
moveFocus(target, action) {
const isPrev = action === "prev";
const isNext = action === "next";
if (isPrev || isNext) {
if (target.disabled) {
if (isPrev)
else if (isNext)
} else {
updateView() {
const dataID = this.currentImage;
const detailPane = document.querySelector("[data-open]");
detailPane?.setAttribute("data-open", this.detailPaneOpen ? "true" : "false");
const minWidths = [768, 1024, 1280];
const matchedWidths = minWidths.filter(width => {
const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia(`(min-width: ${width}px)`);
return mediaQuery.matches;
const imagesPerRow = 2 + matchedWidths.length;
const moveToRow = 1 + Math.ceil((dataID + 1) / imagesPerRow); = moveToRow;
const firstCellInRow = this.el.querySelector(`[data-id="${dataID}"]`);
this.el.insertBefore(detailPane, firstCellInRow?.parentNode.nextSibling);
if (this.detailPaneOpen) {
const firstCellBtn = this.el.querySelector(`[data-id="0"]`);
const firstCell = firstCellBtn?.parentElement;
const { offsetHeight, offsetTop } = firstCell;
const scrollY = detailPane.offsetTop - (offsetHeight + offsetTop * 2);
window.scrollTo({ top: scrollY, behavior: "smooth" });
const paneImage = this.el.querySelector(`[data-image]`);
const paneThumbBtns = this.el.querySelectorAll(`[data-id]`);
const paneThumbBtn = this.el.querySelector(`[data-id="${dataID}"]`);
const paneThumb = paneThumbBtn?.querySelector(`[data-thumb]`);
Array.from(paneThumbBtns).forEach((btn, i) => {
const activeClass = "cell-img-btn-active";
if (i === dataID && this.detailPaneOpen)
if (paneImage && paneThumb)
paneImage.src = paneThumb.src;
const paneTitle = this.el.querySelector("[data-title]");
if (paneTitle)
paneTitle.textContent = `Title Image ${dataID + 1}`;
const paneSubtitle = this.el.querySelector("[data-subtitle]");
if (paneSubtitle)
paneSubtitle.textContent = `Subtitle Image ${dataID + 1}`;
const prevButton = this.el.querySelector(`[data-action="prev"]`);
if (prevButton)
prevButton.disabled = dataID === 0;
const nextButton = this.el.querySelector(`[data-action="next"]`);
if (nextButton)
nextButton.disabled = this.images < 2 || dataID === this.images - 1;
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