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<h1>Happy Navratri to All</h1>
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May Goddess Durga empowers you with the light of knowledge and truth.
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Shailputri, is the daughter of the Mountain King Himavat, and is a manifestation and form of the
Hindu mother goddess Mahadevi, representing herself as the pure form of goddess Parvati. She is the
first Navadurga venerated during the first day of Navratri, and is a reincarnation of Goddess Sati.
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<img src="Day 1 Maa Shailputri.png" alt="Maa Shailputri" id="img-slide1">
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Brahmacharini means a devoted female student who lives in an Ashrama with her Guru along with other
students. She is the second aspect of the Navdurga forms of Mahadevi. The goddess is worshipped on
the second day of Navratri. The goddess Brahmacharini wears white clothes, holds a japa mala in her
right hand and Kamandala, a water utensil in her left hand.
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<img src="Day 2 Maa Brahmacharini.png" alt="Maa Brahmacharini" id="img-slide2">
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In Hinduism, Chandraghanta is the third Navadurga aspect of goddess Mahadevi. Her name means "one
who has a half-moon shaped like a bell". Her third eye is always opened and she is always ready for
war against demons. She is also known as Chandrakhanda, Chandika or Rannchandi. Her worship takes
place on the third day of Navaratri.
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<img src="Day 3 Maa Chandraghanta.png" alt="Maa Chandraghanta" id="img-slide3">
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Kushmanda is a Hindu goddess, credited with creating the world with her divine smile. Her name
signals her main role: Ku means "a little", Ushma means "warmth" or "energy" and Anda means "cosmic
egg". Kushmanda is worshipped on fourth day of the festival of Navratri and she is believed to
improve health and bestow wealth and strength.
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<img src="Day 4 Maa Kushmanda.png" alt="Maa Kushmanda" id="img-slide4">
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Skandmata is the fifth among the Navadurga forms of Mahadev. Her name comes from Skanda, an
alternate name for the war god Kartikeya, and Mata, meaning mother. As one of the Navadurga, the
worship of Skandmata takes place on the fifth day of Navaratri. Her abode is in Vishuddha chakra.
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<img src="Day 5 Skandmata.png" alt="Skandmata" id="img-slide5">
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Katyayani is the sixth aspect of the Navadurga forms of Mahadevi. She is seen as the slayer of the
tyrannical demon Mahishasura. She is also the sixth form amongst Navadurga. She may be depicted with
four, ten, or eighteen hands.
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<img src="Day 6 Maa Katyayani.png" alt="Maa Katyayani" id="img-slide6">
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Kalaratri is the seventh of the nine Navadurga forms of the mother goddess Mahadevi. She is first
referenced in Devi Mahatmya. Kalaratri is one of the fearsome forms of the Mother Goddess. Kalaratri
is traditionally worshipped during the nine nights of Navratri celebrations. The seventh day of
Navaratri pooja.
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<img src="Day 7 Maa Kaalratri.png" alt="Maa Kaalratri" id="img-slide7">
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Mahagauri is the eighth form among the Navadurga aspects of the Hindu mother goddess Mahadevi. She
is worshipped on the eighth day of Navaratri. According to Hinduism, Mahagauri has the power to
fulfill all the desires of her devotees. The one who worships the goddess, gets relief from all the
sufferings in life.
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<img src="Day 8 Maa Mahagauri.png" alt="Maa Mahagauri" id="img-slide8">
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Siddhidhatri is the ninth form among the Navadurga aspects of Hindu mother goddess Mahadevi. The
meaning of her name is as follows: Siddhi means supernatural power or meditative ability, and Dhatri
means giver or awarder. She is worshipped on the ninth day of Navaratri. She fulfills all the divine
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<img src="Day 9 Maa Siddhidatri.png" alt="Maa Siddhidatri" id="img-slide9">
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